Okay, anyone who's had to be on bed rest, give me some tips! I read and sleep and play on the internet and am quite bored of all three. We don't have cable, but I actually resorted to watching House on the internet, which I haven't done in ages, until my laptop overheated and shut down on me. :-) I was actually excited to write my sub plans this morning to give me something different to do!
Also- looking for some preggo advice: with my previous pregnancies, I got sore towards the last month or two of the ordeal, and mostly in my back if anywhere. This last weekend I rolled over in bed too quickly one morning and pulled something and spent all morning recovering (it's rare for me to actually
feel anything wrong, so I don't care if it's just a normal muscle strain, if it hurts, I'm going nowhere near it and am playing it extra safe). Saturday I was still a bit sore when I woke up, so I stayed in bed all morning and then it didn't hurt so bad when I got up to use the bathroom later in the day. Yesterday I rolled over too quickly again and hurt myself again, and am still very tender when I move my legs at all or try to walk or put weight on my hips. Still contracting here and there, and also having some bowel problems (on the looser end) that make it difficult to tell if I'm having a painful contraction or if I just need to use the bathroom. Sometimes I think "oh yeah, I'm definitly feeling pressure on my pelvis," and other times I think I'm just over-reacting because I'm so cautious about everything. Anyway, I called my doctor's nurse finally this morning (I probably picked up the phone two or three times and started calling and then hung up over the weekend- mostly because I knew by calling that they would want me to come in and I had to weigh if I really felt like things necessitated a visit to the emergency room- calling my doctor today means I can just see her and I would much prefer doing that) and left a message and have yet to hear from her. Nothing bad has happened, and I just don't know if I'm being paranoid cautious or appropriately cautious. I'm afraid of coming off as a worry wart and I don't want to go to the doctor every day over every little thing, but I also know that things in my position can change really quickly one way or the other. So by posting this, I'm full expecting some complete stranger to contact me and say "I've been through exactly what you're going through and everything turned out just fine". Ahem...please.
I totally know what you mean about rolling over and pulling something! I did that when I was preg and it hurt so bad. It seemed like once it had "ripped" (probably not really, but felt like it), I would do it more easily and more oftan. Infact, just the other day - not preg- I did something that felt the same way in the same spot. I may never be the same again. But it will get better. As for something to do... watch shows on Hulu.com. You can find anything there. Catch up on scrapbooking, or card making if you want a smaller mess :) or you can just pick up your phone and call me (email works too). :D Write letters to your kids and save them for later. Paint your finger nails (use a toothpick for flowers and such)...paint Chloe's finger nails. Write a talk for church... just in case you ever need one. Study up on church history. Am I rambling? Good luck and take care. I think you are a good listener of your mommy-vibes. Keep it up!
Maybe its your round ligaments that stretch during pregnancy? I really don't know but better mention it to your doc next time or earlier if you keep feeling pain.
I'm with Candie...hulu.com is pretty much what I do when I don't want to do anything. You can watch anything!
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