Oh how I love Spring. I love all the seasons, but I wait with extreme anticipation for Spring to come for all that it signifies and promises for the future 5 or so months. We've been so busy each night, it's not always been warm enough when Craig gets home, I'm tired, the kids are sick, whatever the excuse, we definitely have not been spending as much time in the warm weather as my heart has been demanding. Last night I got home from my two and a half hour rehearsal after school and Craig and I enjoyed our dinner outside while we let the kids play. Craig started working on a sprinkler in the corner of our lawn where a shed will be placed in the next month or two (it's a high school project- Craig's parents paid for the materials and the high school construction class puts it together for free- not bad!) so Linus and Chloe wanted to help. I've definitely been noticing that I've been taking way more pictures of Linus than Chloe lately, which is mostly because his birthday is coming up in a month and I had like a two month haitus where I hardly took any pictures of them at all because of my strange pregnant aversion to photography. Chloe is still loved just as much, I promise. :-)
Quick update on sir-clot-a-lot: I had another appointment on Monday where they did the official 20 week ultrasound (I was at 21 weeks, but my doctor was out of town the week before), which would have been my first ultrasound if it weren't for all this shenanagans that have been haunting us these last couple of months. And we're happy to report that we are having a.....baby!!! And yes, we are waiting
again to find out the gender of the baby until it's born, so anyone waiting in anticipation will have to wait a little longer. :-) The baby is very healthy and well and fairly squirmy, although the nurse did get a good shot of the spine and the brain, which she said is rare to get a good shot of both, so apparently the baby is very cooperative right now as well. Lets hope it sticks beyond the womb. The clot is still there, even though I've been passing it for over three weeks. It's not as big, but I was so hoping that they would see that it was just about done and almost gone. When I got to my room after we did the ultrasound and weight (which I've finally gained some, I'd lost two to begin with and hadn't gained any after 18 weeks, but then I gained 5 in three weeks, so I can stop gloating in the fact that I can eat ice cream again, unfortunately...) and blood pressure, the nurse gave me a packet explaining that it was just some general information about delivery and that the doctor would be in in a few minutes. I read through it, and thought it quite odd that it only addressed things that happened in delivery that were unusual, like being induced, C-section, or premature delivery and covered nothing about general things to look for when you think you're going into labor. Also...isn't that sort of weird that they would give me a packet like this when I'm only halfway there? You'd think you'd get one closer to the end.
And this is my third pregnancy, I have been through it a couple of times, I think I know what to look for...so when my doctor came in I decided to ask her about it. I guess I already knew this, but she just came out and said that because of the clot I am at risk for a preterm delivery. There's of course no way to tell when it would happen or if it would happen at all, but I geuss that explained the "general information" packet. But she happily reported that my cervix is nice and long still. In fact she said it's almost at 5 cm...which I still am sort of confused as to why it's no concern about it getting longer and longer. I mean, when I hit 5 cm with Chloe they admitted me into the hospital for labor! But it's not like I'm effacing or contracting regularly, so I guess it's nothing to worry about. But really...5cm is normal?! Oh well, not going to worry about it.
So the baby is healthy, the kids LOVE watching the ultrasound. In fact Chloe about died laughing when she made the connection that when the baby kicks like it was on the TV, that it is actually kicking
me on the inside. Then she was extatic to also make the connection that she kicked me as well when she was inside of me. Linus knows that I ask him where the baby is, he should point to my tummy, but I don't think he quite realizes what is going to hit him come August. Chloe at the dinner table the other night blurted out "Mommy, when you have the baby, I'm going to hold it, and go 'rock-a-bye', and give it loves, and then I'm going to put it back in your tummy!!" Good thing she has no control over things like that. :-)
Linus looks dangerous with that shovel. Glad to hear things are going well and you seem to be feeling better. School is almost over!
I love that picture with Linus and the dandelion. Have I ever told you about my friends photo site?U think you guys have similar styles. anyway, its http://chrissirichards.squarespace.com/ Anyway, I'm thinking of you!!
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