Thursday, May 6, 2010

Plugging Through

Today's ultrasound and appointment yielded these results:
  • My cervix has shrunk even further to 2.2 cm, at it's smallest.
  • There's some suspicious looking fluid in my cervix that may or may not be more of the clot passing.
  • Clot looks smaller....oops, just kidding, my doctor read it wrong, it's the same size (I haven't passed anything for two weeks now, so my body's absorbing it just doesn't go as fast).
  • This is sort of beside the point, but there are two cysts that are either on my placenta or on the umbilical chord, the lady doing the ultrasound couldn't tell- but they are just fluid filled and my doctor is not concerned about them, so I'm not either.
Actions to be taken:
  • Tomorrow I am getting an FFN (which stands for something medical, but I don't remember what), which is basically a swab they do that checks to see if you are at risk for delivering in the near future. Not sure how near "near" means, but if it weren't reliable enough, I guess they wouldn't do it.
  • Next week I set up an appointment in Denver to see a periontologist (sp??) who will look over my info and determine if I need to go through a surgery to put a stitch in my cervix that will help it hold everything a little better, is my understanding.
  • Um...sit on my butt some more. And accept things instead of fretting about them.
I'm going to start just updating things here and passing the word along so I don't have to describe the same story to ten different people. Just still resting as much as possible! Gotta remember that's my job right now. :-) I've also been (probably foolishly) reading stories of women who have been on bed rest, both at home and in the hospital, and who have delivered or not delivered early, and it has at the very least made me grateful that I'm at home and reminded me that things can always get worse, no matter what happens.
In other news, I actually started James E. Talmage's "Jesus the Christ", and plan on conquering it, and also have started another crocheting project, we'll see how that goes. :-) Love to all.


Kira said...

Chelsea - my guess is that you are either getting one angelic, sweet child - or else one that is prepared to "take over the world." Although, I am sure it is one sweet little thing. Hang in there - I have never had to do the bed rest thing, but I fully sympathize with anyone who does. Good luck and we will look forward to more updates.

Bonnie said...

hang'in in there is the hard part.

Candie said...

I;m glad to hear that you have just accepted things as they are. That is usually the hardest part. So give yourself a pat on the back. Never before have I looked forward to "daily" updates on anyones pregnancy (except my own). I'm just so glad that things are going well- relativly.