Our kids have no distance perception whatsoever. Or time for that matter. Events that were yesterday happened "last year". Things that happened a few days ago were "just a minute ago". And when we're going to DenBER (Denver) to see Grandma and Grandpa John, it's almost impossible for them to understand the "they live in Denver, no they're house is not Denver, see those big buildings? That's Denver, but they don't live in the buildings...the buildings are in Denver and so is Grandma and Grandpa's house, Denver is a place just like Windsor, etc, etc." Linus got so confused that yesterday while at Grandma's house he started calling from downstairs, "Den-ber? Den-ber!! Den-ber where are you??? Grandma Den-ber, come downstairs wiss us!"
If we all just lived on the same cul-desac that would make life so much easier.
Oh wait...
Here are a couple of pictures from our adventures. After long deliberation and going back and forth, I finally decided that Linus would probably be just fine if we went to the Denver Art Museum with he and Chloe. Chloe, I knew wouldn't be an issue, but Linus's attention span just doesn't last that long if a lot of tactile and moving, interesting things aren't going on...and it helps if food is involved, most of which don't happen at an Art Museum. So I debated and debated and debated, and I really don't know why I worried so much about it because....
I was wrong and he was sort of a terror after the first half hour (we didn't stay much longer than that). Although we did get these really neat backpacks that you can check out that bring you to a certain spot in the museum and have you do an activity based on what is going on in that particular exhibit. He held on till we got to the craft at the end when we had to color, and then his attention went out the door and suddenly landed on all these cool looking things in reachable distance. I managed to catch him before he touched most of the things we looked at (he had a problem staying behind "the line"). It's just a good thing that the security people weren't always looking our direction. Also, thank you Grandma for taking pictures, I left my camera in the car by accident.
But I'm glad I took him, because he needs to be exposed to cultural things like museums, I can't lock him up forever, and it wasn't completely awful, he did seem to have fun. (PS- every first Saturday of the month is free admission at the Denver Art Museum, if you have children than longer attention spans than Linus, I totally recommend going, they have lots of fun things for kids to do there!) The rest of the day was filled with good food and pool time (weeks of awfully hot record setting weather in Colorado and then the day we go to Grandma's pool and it's barely 70 out. Story of our life...the kids and Daddy swam anyway, I opted out. Although Craig made sure to soak me a couple of times anyway). We also celebrated Odell's birthday the night before with a
really yummy chocolate cake and a few gifts, plus looking at the neat things Grandma brought home from Israel.
She was chomping on a piece of corn all evening and wouldn't let it go, not even while swinging. Note to self- corn on the cob is a safe, occupying piece of wonderfullness that will be used for nutrition and entertainment in the future...
We love Aunt Rose. ("aunt", not "ant")
Chloe, being a great older sister and pushing baby Odell. Odell still chomping on the corn. Hopefully that's not bad for her teeth...
Beautiful Grandma and Beautiful Baby. :-)
Chomp Chomp.
Lookout, the shark is going to get you!
Here it comes!!
Here is Linus flying in the pool. I won't show you the picture of Chloe doing the same. I was behind her when her bathing suit bottom started falling off during the toss. That's one to show her first date I'm sure, though. :-)
Tomorrow is Labor Day. Look for parade pictures and other outdoor fun in the future. :-)