Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Potty Days

Since I happen to know a few moms who are either in the midst of potty training or have successfully accomplished it with their budding toddlers, I thought I would give everyone an update of how our own budding toddler is doing and hope that someone has some advice. Chloe can go on the potty just fine. We'll put her on there, and if we happen to catch it when she has to go, she'll do it with no problems. Her biggest deterrent is the fact that she never, ever tells us that she has to go. We have to just guess and hope that we catch it. She is just as comfortable messing her diaper as she is going on the potty, either way doesn't seem to bother her. Most of the time I just have to read her facial expressions. I know she has to go when she suddenly gets that far off look in her eyes and her face starts to turn red just a little (I know you other moms out there know exactly what I'm talking about) and I say "Chloe, do you have to go potty?!" and she either says yes or no, but her answer is irrelevant because her face is far more telling than her words. I'm thinking I'm just going to have to wait two more months until summer where I can put her in underwear again and hope that this time wetting herself will bother her enough to tell me before she has to go so we can get her on the toilet (we did underwear once before and at first she hated wetting herself, and I was like "great! This will motivate her to actually want to go on the potty!" and then about a week later, she seemed to think that wetting her pants was just what you were supposed to do and then she had no problem with it. Needless to say I got sick of changing her clothes every hour and the underwear was packed away again).
Anyway, I'd love to hear some more mommy potty training success stories so I can learn from them. Anyone out there just not have time to potty train their kids and somehow got them to do it anyway? Where's the magic powder I can sprinkle on Chloe so she will learn over-night?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I heart "iheartfaces"

If any of you aspiring photographers out there have NOT checked out this website, I highly recommend it. I haven't been too successful in the "kids" category, but there are HUNDREDS of people who submit photos for that category. There's a little less competition in the "adults" category, where so far I've won 3rd place in week five (the theme was "silly") and 8th place in this last weeks "green" theme. I've posted the links for the top ten both of those weeks here. I didn't know that you could get an "honorable mention" badge for getting in the top ten until this last week, so now I have to show off.

Here are the links:
Week 8: http://iheartfaces.blogspot.com/2008/01/week-10-top-10-adults.html
Week 5:http://iheartfaces.blogspot.com/2008/01/week-5-top-ten-adults.html

If you have a chance go check out their website! I luuuuuurrrrrv it. I heart it. It's great. :-)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Crazy Hair Day

So last Friday was crazy hair day at the school I work at. When I was in high school occasionally I thought it was cool to make people think that for a day I had ridiculously curly hair, so I would tie it in rags with wet hair and then sleep on it overnight and in the morning I would tie a bandana around my head and pretend to be a real Boulder hippie for a day. I decided that crazy hair day would be a good day to resurrect the white-woman 'fro. I tied everything up the night before and in the morning just ran my fingers through all the curls to make it stand on end as such:

Once I was satisfied, I go to get ready for the rest of my day when it suddenly dawns on me: wait a minute, school's not the only place I'm going today. I had a meeting with a guy to go over some insurance things for next year at the district office and then after my meeting I had to zip over to Loveland for my yearly OBGYN check up. Great! Do I quick take a shower and straighten it out or just go with it? In the end, my desire to freak out the kids at school prevailed and I went out in public. At first I just prefaced everyone who gave me a weird look with "Oh, don't worry, ha ha! It's crazy hair day at my school! Good times...." and then I just let it go. The weird looks were amusing anyway. My doctor had a good laugh over it too. Craig was absolutely mortified by it, so of course on my way out I had to stop by the store and make sure all his coworkers saw me. :-)