Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bath Time!

Let me tell you, it is SO hard to get decent lighting in a bathroom with no windows to get good bath time shots! I tried using my digital flash, and it just whited everything out completely. So then I had the ingenious idea to turn the flash backwards and the lighting was almost PERFECT! This will prove to my advantage in indoor shooting from now on.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Flower Power

So I'm revamping my photoblog, and I've put together a couple of options here. I already posted the first one, but I'm not sold on it yet. Which one looks better? Any opinions would be appreciated. By the way, these GORGEOUS daisies were brought to me by my AMAZING husband for Valentine's Day- my favorite flower. I had to take some pictures of them while they were fresh. Four flowers for four Valentines we've shared as a married couple. Anyway- can't decide which one is better, so now everyone else can decide for me! If you want to see the rest of the flowers I shot, I posted them on :-)

And my children, as always. Linus is finally starting to look like he wants to move- he's almost rolled over a couple of times and he's almost got his legs underneath him while he's on his tummy. It's about darned time! He's only nine months old. :-) Hopefully by his ten month birthday he'll actually be making progress around a room. I put a basket of toys in front of him while he was on his stomach this morning and he grabbed the edge of the basket with both hands and pulled with all his might, but he couldn't get himself pulled up. Finally I sat him up and he happily emptied the basket after that.
Chloe thought the flowers were as pretty as I did. She wasn't quite as gentle with them, but we can't all be perfect. And she also figured out that my name is Chelsea today and spent the morning calling me "Shoo-see" while I repeatedly told her to call me "Mommy". She thought it was hilarious. Oh, toddlers...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Good news!

Many beads of sweat on my part and a new hard drive later, we have a healthy computer again and have recovered all of our missing photos (and music and home videos)! After I clean my house tonight, my next project is GETTING ALL THESE ONTO HARD COPIES!! Never again will I let it build up that bad before I do something about it. I think I owe my father-in-law and his buddy from work, who got everything fixed for us, my LIFE! Seriously. It was touch and go there for a while...
So my plan to "build my portfolio" (in photography) has sort of gone cold for a while. I had it in my head that people are dying for this sort of work, but the reality is that the economy is bad, all my friends are just as poor as me, and getting family photos from an amateur is not a priority in many peoples' lives. Granted, I really haven't done much advertising, and after a creepy experience with a craigslist contactee, I'm not really sure how to go about that in a SAFE, non-threatening or pushy way. In the meantime, as my subject list has come to a stand-still, I've resorted to my children once again. And I think I might try this I Heart Faces thing out for kicks, it looks like fun! Thanks, Katie, for sharing the idea. :-) So enjoy yet another set of shots of my two lovely children, from a mother who has the biggest "mommy goggles" in the world when it comes to pictures of her kids.
PS- Call me a trend-freak, I know, but after mentally scoffing at every little boy I saw with the "fo-hawk" (is that even how you spell it?), I broke down and had to try it on my little boy at least once. Opinions anyone?

Also, every night both Linus and Chloe get a dance with Daddy before they go to bed. Chloe is such a Daddy's girl, it's not even funny. She hardly cuddles with me ever, but get her to dance with her Daddy and she nestles her head right into a cozy spot on his chest, tucks her arms in, and she's set to just lie there all night if she could. Here's a couple memories to share. :-)