Way too much money. Yeesh.
At least it's sometimes stuff that I've used a coupon for or got at a good deal or got on sale.
Things that I got at a good deal:
- Linus two shirts for $1 a piece from Wal-Mart, one of which I will use in their Christmas photo
- A $10 throw blanket that I will use for newborn shots because of it's color and texture that I would have spent a lot of money on fabric for.
- A $15 dollar crocheting book for $7 with my 50% off coupon that didn't work at Joann's, but then the lady took off the discount anyway.
- A $500 85 mm 1.8 lens that I got for $350 (more than that with shipping, but still)
- A pretty corduroy dress for $3 for Chloe...at Wal-Mart
Things that I didn't get a good deal on:
...Um, I'd rather not talk about it. Shame is filling my soul as I look at these non-discounted items that I couldn't pass up.
Some other news: Chloe went to the eye doctor last week to get her eyes checked again to see how her glasses were working. Yes, they are working, but not well enough. I haven't noticed it, but the doctor said that even with her glasses on she's still crossing her eyes just a little, especially the right eye, so he perscribed a patch. She has to wear this band-aid looking patch over her eye, under her glasses still, for two hours a day until January when they check her again. If that doesn't work, they may need to adjust the perscription again, and if
that doesn't work, they are going to look at surgery for her eyes. Have no idea what that entails or how it would help, but he warned me when I first brought her in that that might be an option.
Thanksgiving was fun- we stayed at home and ate LOTS of food. I feel so fat all the time now, but I'm not getting on the scale until after Christmas because it will just make me depressed- now begins the "gaining-back-all-my-lost-baby-weight-over-the-holidays" routine. Woot.
Linus is also maturing a little. Just a little, but we'll take what we can get! I took the kids to Wal-Mart this morning and he didn't throw one fit. In fact he even climbed in his seat when I asked him to, he didn't touch anything he wasn't supposed to, and he was pleasant and giggly the whole time! It was like I had normal children or something, weird. We've definitely noticed a change in his behaviour in the last month or so and I think it's just a combination of finally getting used to the baby and getting all his 2 year old molars to break through, but it's like I have a cute little boy to play with instead of a monster again- I love it. He's still two and yells a lot, but at least he's reasoning a little better, demanding a little less, and listening a little more. Yay Linus!
Odell is getting SO big. Her 4 month checkup is in two weeks, I'm anxious to see how much she's grown. She's very ticklish, giggles this funny giggle that sounds sort of like she's irritated at you, but just laughing to be nice, she smiles at everyone, poops through everything (and I mean everything), and is just this little butterball of joy. I love her to itty bitty pieces! Did I just say that? Yes I did, she's adorable and I don't care who knows it. :-)
Sorry no pictures, next time...